Painting and Decorating Request

We are often asked by tenants whether they can decorate the property they are renting. The answer is Yes, but only with the written permission of the landlord (or his agent) and, only if the decoration is undertaken to the required standard. If you do not get the written permission of the landlord you will be held responsible for returning the property to its previous décor.

If you would like to decorate the property, it is essential you complete this form and wait until you have received written permission from us. This is your safeguard against the landlord claiming breach of contract.


From:________________________________, Resident

To: Joel and Cheryl Misukonis, Owner/Manager
2503 Yorktown Dr.
Bloomington, IL 61701

Dear Joel and Cheryl,

This letter is to request permission to paint interior walls. We would like to pain the following walls:

Location: _________________________________________Color__________________________Sheen__________________

Location: _________________________________________Color__________________________Sheen__________________

Location: _________________________________________Color__________________________Sheen__________________

Location: _________________________________________Color__________________________Sheen__________________

Location: _________________________________________Color__________________________Sheen__________________

Painting requirements and conditions:

You will be required to re-paint the home using the original colors before you vacate the property. The landlord will specify the paint color, sheen and brand.

All painting (materials and labor) is done at your expense and liability. No expense or liability for this project will be incurred by the landlord.

The paint job must be done either in a professional manner or by a professional. Any damage done or caused due to painting will be repaired at your expense. Landlord reserves the right to immediately rectify, at your expense, with repairs deducted first, rent second, or a security deposit.

All colors must be approved by the landlord.

All wall paint will be flat, egg shell or satin. NO SEMI GLOSS OR GLOSS.

Resident's Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:________________________